Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Tool of Motherhood

I have thought for many moons that this should be an ongoing series in my blog. I think that motherhood has been the biggest change agent in my life, second only to my faith in Christ (which sometimes has to be jump-started by the power of motherhood issues). Never before have I been so challenged to get it right, to get better, to grow up than when I look into the faces of my children... and see them gazing back at me. Some of the biggies - emotional health (getting over grudges, taking responsibility for my baggage), getting a handle on anxiety (it is not lovely or godly), continuously striving toward being content in "all situations."

Motherhood has been a level for me. It lays on my life, the little bubble sliding back and forth when troubles come, encouraging me to be steady. What may look even-keel might not be when compared to what scripture has taught me. Lead a quiet life, lead a simple life. Mind your own business. Be an example. (I Thess. 4:11-12) It doesn't mean that I have no troubles or distressing times, but it does help to quiet the drama queen in me. It tells her to go home, there will be no show today. God is enough. He loves me and has not overlooked me. He has not forgotten me. He has written me on the palms of his hands. Level out, bubble in the middle.

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