Saturday, January 08, 2005

Anthony and Annetta

Matt and I had a lovely dinner with two dear friends, Anthony and Annetta. They are a couple that we met a few years ago during the Angle Tree Project. Our husbands were the point people, our churches were partners (WCH-suburban and Mt. Olive-urban). Anthony and Matt hit it off right away. Good chemistry. And the wives? Well, we're trouble when we're together, if you can imagine. Lol Annetta feels the same way in her role as deacon's wife as I have in pastor's wife, trying to shoulder it as gracefully as possible, but not about to take any undue crap. Surprised by the visitor in the grocery store (when you're not wearing make-up and haven't showered in two days) who wants to chat about church, the phone calls that threaten to upend a family evening, having a message on the answering machine that sets parameters, and a quiet pride watching your husband teach with expertise.

The first time we went out as couples Annetta and I enjoyed easy conversation. Anthony, with his shiny shaved head, was talking shop with Matt, who was enjoying it equally. We shared how we all met and married, how we came to know the Lord. Then came the moment that Matt had to step away from the table for a few minutes, and Annetta asks to me, "So, are you two planning to have children?" I stumbled around with an explanation, being as honest as I could, letting them know that I didn't want kids, but I was willing to be willing, and I felt that God was possibly moving me down that avenue. I was, however, not ready yet, I explained. They both nodded quietly. Thankfully, Matt rejoined us and we moved on to a new topic.

When we said good night for the evening and walked to our cars, Annetta says she leaned over to Anthony and said, "It's over. That girl's already pregnant. She just doesn't know it yet." The next day... two lines... And funny enough, Annetta shared the story with me for the first time at my baby shower. LOL

So tonight we met at the same restaurant, sat in almost the same spot. I reminded her of the prediction she had made almost two years ago, and we had a good laugh. But we really got loud when I told her that, not to be taken off guard again, I had taken a pregnancy test before coming and it was negative.

My friends, I love you and will miss you. If we don't see you again here, then I'll catch you on the other side. XO

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