Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Dr. Fisher

Levi and I went to the pediatrician for our first visit yesterday. Dr. Fisher is a very tall, lanky 50-something man with wispy white hair and large hands. He speaks quickly, admits to mumbling, and occasionally changes the subject so quickly that even I can't keep up. He rapid-fires the basic questions, "How's he eating? Sleeping? How many wet diapers a day?" I find myself responding like the contestants on Family Feud, all I need is that big red button.

He was going through the drill when he asked, "What color are his bowel movements? Yellow?"

"No, they're actually orange."

"Orange?!? Do you know why?"

So here's the doctor asking my medical opinion, obviously testing my nursing degree prowess. Test question: Give the rationale for a newborn's orange poopy diaper as it would compare and contrast to the normal yellow breast-fed poopy diaper. Right. Ready, sir.

"Well, I figure it's him clearing his bilirubin. I've noticed that his jaundice is lightening so he must be passing the excess bilirubin in both his diaper and urine-"

He interrupted, "No that's not it."


"No." And a wide mischievous grin crawled across his face. "It's orange for Halloween."


Frank said...

Did you hit him? :)

C-Man said...

that is my kind of humor!!! thanks Dr. Fisher!!

sorry Heidi...

Anne said...

Too funny. You made me laugh. Nice writing stle as well...very entertaining:) (It's Anne N. BTW Maria is off of my middle name)

tonymyles said...
