Thursday, September 01, 2005

You know you're in your third trimester when...

You know you're in the third trimester when...

1) You lean over to pick something up and you can't bend any greater than 30-degrees.

2) You know exactly how many steps you climb each day - today, 128 and counting.

3) Walking to the bakery and buying a cupcake for your toddler's lunch is acceptable.

4) You're scheduling OB visits with the doctor who has the smallest glove size.

5) Any flirtatious comment from your husband receives your response of, "That's what got me in this condition in the first place."

6) You know the exact mileage to the hospital.

7) You are imagining how big the baby is every time you feel it move.

8) You note that it seems bigger every time you feel it move.

9) You consider naming the baby after your favorite chef at Benihana's.

10) It takes you two days to give yourself a pedicure.

11) At least three or four times a day you find yourself curled up in a corner crying, "Dear God, what have I done?!?!"


1 comment:

Matt and Heidi said...

I'm sorry...sort of;-)