Saturday, June 19, 2004

Thought I might try this...

As I sat in the hospital after giving birth to my second child, I was thinking that I may start a blog. I really enjoy reading my husband's thoughts/reflections (love you, Honey), and it's not like I don't have my own. After all, I was almost a writing minor in college, but I'd already taken 5 years to get a four year degree... . Many times I downplay or completely avoid talking about my true feelings as they relate to parenting, motherhood and spiritual issues. I don't feel that it's always the brightest thing to play an opinion card which has deep emotional ties to me and has been thoughtfully examined, only to be put under the microscope, or just blown off. This is much safer (I think). So between chasing a toddler, breastfeeding an infant, and running my home I thought I might try this and see if I can capture some of the truths that I am discovering during this time in my life.

1 comment:

C-Man said...